Although I had already read a lot of the source materials you used, you did a fantastic job summarizing key points/findings. All government retaliation investigators should be required to read your article as well as Dr. Jennifer Freyd's DARVO website https://pages.uoregon.edu/dynamic/jjf/defineDARVO.html, C. Fred Alford's Whistleblowers: Broken Lives and Organizational Power, and Whistleblowers of America Founder Jackie Garrick's book The Psychosocial Impacts of Whistleblower Retaliation. Thank you for all your work on this topic. Good luck with your legal case.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Just on a personal note: I dedicate this comment (in line with the subject of this article) to Gary Webb, San Jose Mercury News, for his exposé "Dark Alliance" and the cursed response from his own "pro-fession" :

• Aug 1996: Dark Alliance Series Runs

• Oct 1996: Howard Kurtz, WaPo: tldr: "no direct proof top of CIA does dirty stuff".

• Oct 1996: Roberto Suro, Walter Pincus, WaPo: tldr: "whoa!...no proof CIA is involved at all y'all"

• Oct 1996: Jill Jonnes, WSJ, tldr: "what's the biggie? before crack, the community was awash in cocaine! there's always been drugs!"

• Oct 1996: Editorial, LA Sentinel, tldr: "bah humbug...no proof of direct CIA involvement"

• Oct 1996: Robert Lusetich, SCMP tldr: "hmm....really nothing direct about the CIA at all"

• Oct 1996: John Diamond, Pittsburgh Courier, tldr: "no proof of CIA doing this at all"

• May 1997: Todd S Purdum, NYTimes tldr: "entire exposé is flawed. shoddy journalism. omg how could they!"

• May 1997: Jerry Cepos, San Jose Mercury News, tldr: "WE WERE WRONG! WE BLEW IT"

all along: Gary webb, tldr: "we never directly said top of CIA was involved, we merely connected all the dots and they lead to CIA door".

• May 1997: Howard Kurtz, WaPo: tldr: "CIA series is poor journalism. awful."

• May 1997: Editorial, NYTimes, tldr: "SJ Mercury finally comes clean. They screwed up. Brave man Ceppos for admitting journalism foul up"

• May 1997: Steven A. Holmes, NYTImes, tldr:"whoa! despite the poor journalism, Congress is still smouldering on this issue! whoa! give it a rest people!"

all along: during the same time period as crack was spread among poorer communities, the "crime bill" chose to incarcerate the "crack" offenses the worst, exempting the "purer" (hint: more expensive party drug: pwdr cocaine)

• May 1997: Daniel Schorr, Christian Sci Monitor, tldr: ""the key finding of the series, that people associated with CIA also sold many tones of cocaine, has not been challenged"

• July 1998: James Risen, NYTimes, tldr: "CIA says it was using Contras despite knowing their drug involvement. Decisions made by Top officials at Langley, VA. Cites inspector general's report. But there was no direct conspiracy bw CIA employees and drugs"

• Jul 1998: John Diamond, Philadelphia Tribune, tldr: "CIA worked with Drug dealers".

caveat: the quotes after the TLDR are my summarization, not actual journalist writing quotes

All the "journos" went on to great normal lives in the sun, Webb was found dead in his Carmichael home on December 10, 2004, with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide by the Sacramento County coroner's office. R.I.P.

What real work will bring you.

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